A TikToker who goes by the name Felix Cipher has gained massive traction after pretending to be the reincarnation of German dictator Adolf Hitler.
As several netizens get engrossed in his nose ring controversy, they have discovered that he has an egg kink which has left them disturbed. Since going viral for the wrong reasons, it has been alleged that he has been terminated from his job as well.
The controversy surrounding Felix Cipher began when he was questioned for his septum nose piercing, which resembled Hitler’s mustache. Along with the piece of large jewelry, Cipher's outfit seemed to include a gray military jacket with the German Imperial Eagle or Reichsadler inscribed.
Sources have claimed that the Reichsadler was used between 1933 and 1945 when the Nazis were under control.
The video that showcased the nose-piercing has since been deleted from his official TikTok account. However, Cipher addressed the controversy surrounding it in another video. He claimed that the nose ring allowed him to be “in tune with past and past lives” which “just so happened to be a very infamous one.”
At the time of writing this article, his TikTok account had disappeared from the platform.
Felix Cipher goes viral for alleged egg laying kink
As Felix Cipher continues to be the talk of the internet, several curious netizens have taken to Reddit to share their findings on the Hitler impersonator. It has since been revealed that Cipher allegedly had an egg laying kink, which left netizens baffled.
According to Reddit user u/Levislilbrat666 Urban Dictionary explained that the kink
“involves laying eggs into someone, usually involving aliens, bugs, tentacles, etc. and can be seen occasionally in hentai. There is a large amount of art involving it on tumblr, and is commonly associated with the inflation kink.”Netizens were also left distressed after learning that Felix Cipher had a Spotify playlist dedicated to his egg-laying kink.
Who is Felix Cipher?
Not much is known about the disgraced TikToker who seemingly disappeared from the internet. However, sources claim that he is a Colorado native. Reddit user u/nyanzies also revealed that he published his own book series under the title Heroes of MIDaria.
The platform user also claimed that he was a Jewish trans man, making the scandal surrounding him more ludicrous as he appears to be a “queer jewish notsee,” as per the Reddit user.
Sources claimed that Cipher expressed suicidal ideation to his ex-partner. It has also been alleged that he visited mental health facilities.
The Reddit user also claims that his mother denies Cipher being a Nazi despite him boasting about the same across social media platforms. She reportedly also liked “All of his photos on Facebook.”
Sources claim that Cipher lost his job after an anonymous person registered a complaint against him with his employer. It was alleged that Cipher did not work at his now-former job as they did not align with his beliefs.
Since getting blasted across social media platforms, he said in a statement to a news outlet that it is “completely unfounded” that people believe he carries the same political opinions as Hitler.
Cipher stated that he believes in eugenics and “not genocide.” He went on to add that he does not “believe in racist values like everyone assumes.”
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