Is Maggie Still Pregnant On 'The Walking Dead'? The Timeline Doesn't Exactly Make Sense

Spoilers for The Walking Dead Season 8 finale follow. Maggie doesn't get the outcome that she wanted in terms of Negan's fate during the Season 8 finale, but fans can be thankful that at least she survived. Yet, it's not clear if Maggie is still pregnant on The Walking Dead. It was all the way back in Season 6 that Maggie's pregnancy was first revealed. Now, as the series heads into Season 9, the character still isn't showing at all.

While the Season 8 finale probably has you stressing that Maggie will be a villain in The Walking Dead next season, it's also totally valid to be wondering about her baby's fate. But Maggie hasn't lost her baby; it's actually just that The Walking Dead has been taking its sweet time in regards to the timeline — and Baby Rhee may still make an appearance someday.

Season 7 of The Walking Dead harshly kicked off with the show revealing that Negan had killed Abraham and Maggie's beloved husband Glenn. As outlined, The Walking Dead Season 7 then proceeded to take place over the course of two weeks. And Season 8 spans even less time. All of the events happen in less than one week. Chris Hardwick focused on this timeframe during the Talking Dead episode about "Worth," the penultimate episode of Season 8. "We have to remember — even though you've been watching it for a couple of seasons — not a lot of time has passed in their world since Glenn died," Hardwick said.

Gene Page/AMC

Hardwick was using the timeline to help explain why Maggie is still so raw about her husband's murder. "She's still freshly in the rage zone," Hardwick said. And his words foreshadowed the ending of Season 8 when Maggie holds a meeting with Jesus and Daryl about how Rick and Michonne were wrong to keep Negan alive. And her anger definitely hints that Maggie and Rick will be part of warring factions in Season 9, which is incredibly disheartening. Hardwick's discussion of The Walking Dead timeline also confirmed that only a month could have possibly passed since Glenn's death, so Maggie is only a month further along in her pregnancy.

After some fans expressed their confusion about Maggie's pregnancy on Twitter, a Walking Dead rep told New York's Daily News, "The comic has never specified exact time and the show does not either." Fans can use the comic to help them figure out the fate of Maggie and Glenn's baby, however. Comic spoilers follow. In the comics, a two-year time jump occurs after the finale battle with the Saviors. Maggie's son Hershel (named after his grandfather, *sob*) is introduced when he's already two years old. So even though it feels like she has been pregnant for years, the majority of her pregnancy may occur off screen if the TV series jumps time like the comics.

However, with how the Season 8 finale ends, Maggie's rage toward Rick and Michonne is more concerning than whether or not she's having a baby. Because it's utterly disappointing to have Maggie and Daryl on opposite sides of their former friends. And it seems that Maggie's pregnancy hasn't made her particularly merciful. Instead, she's furious that her baby's father was so cruelly taken away from them too soon. But even if she no longer wants to be buds with Rick and Michonne, Maggie's family could still grow if the TV series follows the comics. And here's hoping that when she has Baby Rhee, that she understands Rick's mercy move. After all, Rick only let Negan live because of the words of his own son.

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