I am in trouble.
I want to try Atlantis which is an open-source automation tool for terraform. I would like to introduce a review-bot which reviews the result of the 'terraform plan'
I tried this document. https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/deployment.html#kubernetes-helm-chart
I tried to deploy the Atlantis app to my EKS cluster. But the result is like this.
$ helm install atlantis runatlantis/atlantis -f values.yaml NAME: atlantis LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jan 17 17:27:53 2023 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 NOTES: 1. Get the application URL by running these commands: 2. Atlantis will not start successfully unless at least one of the following sets of credentials are specified (see values.yaml for detailed usage): - github - githubApp - gitlab - bitbucket
I think something was wrong. I even set the values.yaml file with my GitHub user, token, and secret.
But it's failed. How can I solve it?
p.s. below yaml code is my values.yaml file.
1 orgAllowlist: github.xxx.xxxxxxx.net/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/* 2 github: 3 user: dykim 4 token: ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5 secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6 7 aws: {} 8 serviceAccountSecrets: 9 image: 10 repository: ghcr.io/runatlantis/atlantis 11 tag: v0.22.2 12 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent 13 14 allowForkPRs: false 15 allowDraftPRs: false 16 hidePrevPlanComments: false 17 disableApply: false 18 disableApplyAll: false 19 disableRepoLocking: false 20 enableDiffMarkdownFormat: false 21 commonLabels: {} 22 23 livenessProbe: 24 enabled: true 25 periodSeconds: 60 26 initialDelaySeconds: 5 27 timeoutSeconds: 5 28 successThreshold: 1 29 failureThreshold: 5 30 scheme: HTTP 31 32 readinessProbe: 33 enabled: true 34 periodSeconds: 60 35 initialDelaySeconds: 5 36 timeoutSeconds: 5 37 successThreshold: 1 38 failureThreshold: 5 39 scheme: HTTP 40 41 service: 42 type: NodePort 43 port: 80 44 targetPort: 4141 45 loadBalancerIP: null 46 47 podTemplate: 48 annotations: {} 49 labels: {} 50 51 statefulSet: 52 annotations: {} 53 labels: {} 54 securityContext: 55 fsGroup: 1000 56 runAsUser: 100 57 fsGroupChangePolicy: "OnRootMismatch" 58 priorityClassName: "" 59 updateStrategy: {} 60 shareProcessNamespace: false 61 62 ingress: 63 enabled: true 64 ingressClassName: 65 annotations: {} 66 path: /* 67 pathType: ImplementationSpecific 68 host: 69 70 hosts: 71 tls: [] 72 labels: {} 73 74 resources: 75 requests: 76 memory: 1Gi 77 cpu: 100m 78 limits: 79 memory: 1Gi 80 cpu: 100m 81 82 volumeClaim: 83 enabled: true 84 dataStorage: 5Gi 85 86 replicaCount: 1 87 88 test: 89 enabled: true 90 image: lachlanevenson/k8s-kubectl 91 imageTag: v1.4.8-bash 92 93 nodeSelector: {} 94 95 tolerations: [] 96 97 affinity: {} 98 99 serviceAccount: 100 create: true 101 mount: true 102 name: 103 annotations: {} 104 105 enableKubernetesBackend: false 106 107 108 environment: {} 109 environmentSecrets: [] 110 environmentRaw: [] 111 loadEnvFromSecrets: [] 112 loadEnvFromConfigMaps: [] 113 googleServiceAccountSecrets: [] 114 extraVolumes: [] 115 extraVolumeMounts: [] 116 extraManifests: [] 117 118 initContainers: [] 119 120 extraArgs: [] 121 122 extraContainers: [] 123 124 containerSecurityContext: {} 125 126 servicemonitor: 127 enabled: false 128 129 podMonitor: 130 enabled: false 131 interval: "30s" 132 133 redis: {} 134 lifecycle: {}
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